Dr. Michael Poplawski


Dr Mike is a Canadian-born UK trained General Practitioner who moved to Perth in 2023 and has been working at Ellen Health since. Prior to this, he spent 6 years working in Manchester UK as a GP, Medical University Tutor at the University of Liverpool and guest tutor at the University of Manchester. He is the author of the audio study guide for GP trainees “GP On The Move” and also a regular contributor to UK medical journals “Pulse GP” and “Management in Practice”. Additionally, he is a Clinical Lecturer at the University of Western Australia and regularly supervises medical students.

He is passionate about providing care based around the principles of evidence-based medicine and working together with patients in ensuring they receive the best care possible.

“I am happy to see new and existing patients, both male and female, with a variety of health problems including, but not limited to, General Adult Health, Children’s HealthMental HealthMen’s Health and Travel Medicine.”

Outside of medicine, Dr Mike loves the outdoors, running, music and watersports.

Dr Mike has a strong preference for face-to-face appointments and does not provide telephone appointments, telehealth appointments or eScripts.

Special interests:

  • General Adult Health
  • Children’s Health
  • Mental Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Travel Medicine

Dr Mike reserves the right to not prescribe nor continue prescriptions for medication that he may deem clinically inappropriate or unsafe including, but not limited to – schedule 8 drugs, opioids, narcotics including benzodiazepines, sleeping tablets and other drugs of dependence.

Dr. Emily MacDonald

Dr. Emily MacDonald has been a GP in Australia for 11 years and has been the Clinical Lead at Ellen Health for 2 years.

She began working in Perth then moved over to Melbourne in 2020 where she was the Clinical Lead at a GP clinic in Fitzroy, working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and the long lockdowns of 2020 and 2021.

Dr. Emily was delighted to return to Perth in 2023 and back to working at Ellen Health.

Dr. Emily undertook her medical training in London, UK and graduated from University College London in 2003. After qualifying she travelled extensively through Asia and worked and volunteered in South India.

She then spent 2 years in Melbourne where she trained in Emergency Medicine at The Austin Hospital.

Dr. Emily returned to the UK in 2007 to train as a GP and migrated to Australia in 2013 with her family.

She has been involved with teaching students both here and overseas and feels very lucky to have had the chance to work and experience medicine in such diverse and extraordinary places.

When she’s not at work, she loves to enjoy the outdoor life with her family and their 2 dogs.

Dr. Emily MacDonald enjoys all aspects of General Practice with special interests in Women’s Health (including Implanon and Mirena Insertion) Children’s Health, Minor Surgery, Dermatology and Skin Checks.

Dr Joseph Murphy

Joe graduated from UWA, before completing his hospital training at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospital. He has a keen interest in preventative medicine and chronic disease.

Joe is a keen athlete and has been part of the medical team for a number of sporting teams and events, including The Tour Down Under and Ironman Western Australia.

Joe has a young family and enjoys paediatric medicine and spending time with his own children at the beach swimming.

Special Interests:


Following graduating from the University of Western Australia, Joe has worked at Fiona Stanley and Fremantle Hospital.

Dr Josh Lumby

Josh graduated UWA in 2014, and has been enjoying sunny Broome for the past 5 years whilst completing his GP training. During this time he thoroughly enjoyed working in rural hospitals and the remote indigenous communities of WA.

He has recently moved to Fremantle with his young family and enjoys a vast array of sports and outdoor activities.

Special interests:


  • Bsc (psychology)

Dr Hoda Hall

On Maternity Leave


Dr Hall has an interest in women’s health (including antenatal care), sexual health (including insertion and removal of implants, not intrauterine devices) and paediatrics. She also performs iron infusions when indicated for iron deficiency/anaemia and manages chronic diseases as part of whole person care.

Outside of work Dr Hall enjoys spending time with her 3 younger children and participating in community building activities in her neighbourhood.


She has completed her medical training at Notre Dame Fremantle in 2012, and has experience in a number of leading hospitals. Dr Hall has completed a Diploma in Child Health and the Sexual Health Certificate.


Dr. Catherine Douglass

Dr Catherine is an experienced local WA medical graduate who maintains qualifications for rural practice. She says being mum to three now fully grown children has taught her many extra GP skills that she didn’t receive in medical school. Her Hobbies include gym, yoga, music and cooking. She has a special interest in sports medicine and has recently completed Les Mills Body Pump instructor certification.

Dr Catherine is specializing in our Rainbow “sexual health” clinic. Learn more about our Rainbow Clinic

Qualifications & Memberships


  • MBBS Uni of Western Australia, class of 1988
  • Diploma Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians, 1993
  • Fellow Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, 1995
  • Fellow Australian College of Remote & Rural Medicine, 2000
  • Certificate of Sexual & Reproductive Health, 2001
  • Investigator, Perinatal and Infant Mortality Committee of WA, 2000-2010
  • Research in obstetrics, 2000-2012
  • Dr YES – Youth Friendly AMA Training 2011
  • Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Notre Dame University 2014-present
  • Clinical Lecturer, The University of Western Australia, 2013-2022
  • Supervisor of GP Trainees in the WA GP Education and Training scheme (WAGPET), 2009-2023
  • Les Mills Body Pump Instructor Certificate, Jan 2024
  • Maintains a variety of continuing medical education activities for ACRRM accreditation
  • Rotary International volunteer obstetrics educator, trips to India in 2017 and 2018
  • Professional memberships: AMA, ACRRM, DEA, RANZCOG, International Society for Sexual Medicine
  • Member: Fremantle Chamber of Commerce, 100 Women (WA),
  • Supporter: Fremantle Foundation; Ellen Health Community Fund (named fund)

Dr. Sandy Braiuka


Dr Sandy is now working from our South Fremantle clinic, seeing perimenopausal/menopausal women. 

Dr Sandy is a Women’s Health GP who is passionate about menopause medicine and the opportunity to support, educate and empower women to live their best lives during this important transition. 

Dr Sandy completed her medical training at the University of Notre Dame in Fremantle and has tailored her subsequent training to specialize in Women’s Health, having completed a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and FPAA certification in Reproductive and Sexual Health. She is a member of the RACGP and the Australasian Menopause Society. 

Outside of medicine, Sandy loves spending time at the beach or the park with her wife and dogs. She sings with the Perth Pride Choir and enjoys traveling to explore new places, cultures and food. 

Special Interests

  • Women’s Health
  • Menopause
  • Antenatal Care
  • Insertion and removal of LARC.

Dr. Michael Steele

Dr Steele is a General Practitioner at Ellen Health. He has extensive experience as Rural GP in Queensland and in Metro GP and Hospitals in Australia and New Zealand

Special Interests


  • 1996  MBBS – University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
  • 2003  FCA RCSI – Fellowship of the College of Anaesthetists, Ireland
  • 2006  FRACGP – Royal Australian College of General Practice
  • 2006  Grad.Dip.Rural GP – Royal Australian College of General Practice
  • 2011  Dip IMC RSC Ed – Diploma in Immediate Medical Care, Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh 
  • Queensland rural health scholarship holder and worked in rural Queensland Hospitals and general practice 1997 -1999
  • Anaesthetic training 2000 – 2003 Queensland and Ireland
  • Rural General Practice, Queensland, 2004 – 2005
  • Urgent care clinic, Dublin, Ireland 2006 – 2008
  • Academic lecturer in primary care and general practitioner, Dublin, Ireland 2008 – 2012
  • Advanced paramedic supervisor, Dublin, Ireland 2008 – 2012
  • FRACGP, FCA RCSI, Grad.Dip.RuralGP, DipIMC RSC(Ed)

Dr. Eleanor Sharland

Following graduation from UWA, Eleanor completed her intern year at Fremantle Hospital.  She subsequently continued to work there, as well as at Rockingham and Kaleeya Hospitals.  Once she made the bold move to venture into general practice, Eleanor worked in practices in Parkwood, Kalamunda, Forrestfield and Falcon Grove, before settling down in Fremantle.  Eleanor enjoys the variety that general practice brings, however has special interests in childrens health, family medicine, womens health and teaching.  Eleanor also works at UWA, teaching the next generation of doctors.  Eleanor is currently working part time, as she enjoys spending time with her young family.


Special Interests


Following graduation from UWA, Eleanor completed her intern year at Fremantle Hospital.  She subsequently continued to work there, as well as at Rockingham and Kaleeya Hospitals.